
Welcome to Sure

Thank you for choosing Sure for your new mobile package. Before using it for the first time, please read through this guide to get some useful tips for getting the most out of your service and answers
You probably had your phone set up for you when you visited us in store. If not, then all you need to do is insert your SIM card into your phone (if you’re not sure how to do this, refer to your phone’s user manual) and you’re ready to go.
All of this information and more can be found at – Need Help?

Getting Started

Setting up mobile internet

If one of the Sure team haven’t already done this for you, you can set up your phone for mobile internet manually. The settings for your particular device can be found on our online help pages.

Entering or changing your PIN

Your sim does not come with a sim pin number. To make your phone more secure, we recommend you set up a PIN on your SIM cards. This can be done via your phone’s settings.

Setting up your voicemail

You automatically have your own voicemail box with Sure which is free to use unless you’re roaming (in which case accessing your voicemail costs the same as making a roaming call home).
To set up and use voicemail for the first time dial 171 and follow the instructions to set a PIN and create a personal greeting. We recommend all users create a voicemail PIN to help protect the privacy and security of your voicemail service.
Whenever someone has left you a voicemail you will receive a text message to let you know.

Listening to your messages

When at home (on the Sure network) just dial 171 from your mobile. While roaming or when using a landline you can access your voicemail calling +44 (0) 1481 700 000.

About your free allocation of minutes and texts

Your free allocation of minutes, texts and data will be available immediately and you can check your balance anytime by dialling *#100#.
We will attempt to send you a text when you are near the end of your allocation, should you use it all, but this not guaranteed.

About your free allocation of data

Some of our plans will allow you to use more than your allocation, but we will cap the usage at £20 to help you avoid high bill shocks.



Your monthly allocation of calls, texts and data can only be used when you are connected to the Sure network. So if you use your phone overseas, including the UK, you are considered to be ‘roaming’ and will be charged for every call and text you make and you will also be charged to receive calls.

If you access data when roaming you will be charged for using data and the rates charged can be high. If your device is left on and is set to receive data, it may perform updates without your knowledge and run up substantial bills very quickly.

We advise you to contact us BEFORE you travel so that you can purchase a Roaming Booster to help reduce the chargers.

Accessing data includes but is not limited to the following activities:
• Sending an email
• Downloading an app
• Viewing a webpage
• Downloading a photo
• Streaming TV
• Using applications like WhatsApp, Apple Face Time, Skype, etc
• Accessing social media

… basically anything that is not a standard call or a text uses data.

Sure has taken steps to protect you from high bills and has applied a data roaming spend limit of up to £50 in Zone 1. See for full information including spend limits in other Zones and answers to any queries you may have. To change your limit just call our Customer Support Centre or to stop data roaming access completely text the word BAR to 8888.

Please note: You are responsible for all roaming charges incurred on your device and service regardless of whether you intended to incur roaming charges at the time of use or were aware your device was performing such usage. It is your responsibility to set your device in a way that matches your use profile and the amount of data you want to consume abroad. You, as the account holder, will be liable to pay for all roaming charges incurred even if another person uses your phone with or without your permission, including usage if your phone is stolen.

Keeping roaming costs down

If you want to avoid high bills but still use data when roaming please contact us BEFORE you travel for advice on boosters, roaming spend limits and how to turn off data completely if not required.

You will also be charged to receive calls. Please ask us in store about boosters which could help keep your costs down when outside the Sure network.

You can turn data off on your phone and either use WiFi where available, or just turn your phone’s data on when you actively want to use it. This will stop any downloads and updates happening without your knowledge. Don’t forget to turn it back off again when you’re done!

If your phone is lost or stolen abroad (or indeed at any time!) contact us immediately. Please see below information on lost/stolen phones.

A few other things

Your Sure bill

You will be billed the rental charges for the Sure service a month in advance, however please be aware that your first bill will include a part period rental from the day you sign the Mobile Contract until the end of that month, plus the next month in advance.

If you have any queries about your bill you can contact our Customer Service Centre.

If you need some help understanding your bill, there is a section on billing in our online help pages, where you can download a sample bill and see a full explanation of each item.

Your bill also states the direct debit date, or the payment due date.

Lost or stolen phones

Even if you have a password/PIN on your phone, if you lose your phone or it is stolen please contact us immediately so we can prevent it being used fraudulently. You are responsible for ALL usage charges until you have told Sure that you have lost your phone.
We have a special helpline open 24/7 for reporting lost or stolen phones - (+44) 1481 757779 so you don’t need to worry about time of day or time zone if you’re travelling – call us immediately as your SIM card can be used to run up bills costing thousands of pounds.

About your contract

You have signed a Mobile Contract for a minimum term of 1, 12, or 24 months. When the minimum term is reached, the Mobile Contract will continue on a one month rolling basis under the same terms. You may not necessarily be contacted by Sure to inform you that the minimum term has been reached, the onus is on you, the customer, to remember this date if you want to terminate or re-sign the Mobile Contract before it rolls to another month.

Your right to cancel

You have the right to cancel your Agreement within 14 days of entering into it. Any device supplied under the terms of the contract must be returned in the same condition with the original packaging, all accessories and documentation supplied. You will be liable for all rental and usage charges incurred up to the date of cancellation.

If you wish to terminate the Mobile Contract before the minimum terms ends and after the 14 day cooling off period, you can request to do so in writing. However at the time of termination you will be required to pay all the remaining monthly rental charges up until the end of the minimum term. If the minimum term has been reached you can terminate your service by requesting to do so giving 30 days’ notice.

If you have more questions you can also find additional help anytime by visiting and clicking on ‘Need help?’

Contact us

If you have a question or you think your phone/service is faulty, you can contact us in any of the following ways:

Email  - Online - (Live Chat or Log a Fault/Enquiry)
Phone  -  Lost and Stolen – (+44) 1481 757779

Facebook - To protect your privacy please only send us your phone number using a personal message and not by posting it on our wall.

Guernsey – 01481 700700                
Jersey – 0808 10 15 247                   
Isle of Man– 07624 247 247              

First published Oct 2017
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